Subhash KakNeocons and neocolonialsNeocon ideas have dominated foreign policy in the United States for the last 30 years or so. Neocons wish to perpetuate American hegemony…6d ago66d ago6
Subhash KakThe programmers and the programmedAlthough the coming decades will see populations shrink in most of the world, the West will experience an existential crisis due to…Aug 72Aug 72
Subhash KakChina as the Middle Kingdom: Lessons for US and IndiaEvery civilization is effectively hardwired for decline and self-destruction. What gave it energy once becomes the instrument of its…Jul 312Jul 312
Subhash KakDestruction of cultural heritageThe disruptive change in political and social order in the next few decades due to mass migration and collapsing populations will be…Jul 25Jul 25
Subhash KakReplacement migrationThere is a looming collapse of population in most parts of the world (leaving out the Middle East, Central Asia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and…Jul 231Jul 231
Subhash KakDisappearing Western NationsWhat makes a nation and a culture? The people with the unstated social conventions and beliefs, or the language?Jul 312Jul 312
Subhash KakThe Plague and its AftermathSince the world is expecting a historic reduction in population, it is instructive to look at earlier instances of large population decline…May 233May 233
Subhash KakOpium and the Taiping RebellionThe most important event in China in the 19th century was the Taiping Rebellion, one of the bloodiest in history with an estimated 20 to 30…May 231May 231
Subhash KakFrom prosperity to despairThis is Part 4 of The Coming Population CollapseApr 2818Apr 2818
Subhash KakThe asuric mindIf one wonders about the origins of moral confusion in current day society, the answer is that we now live in a hyperreality in which signs…Apr 254Apr 254